It had to be a tuba, but he ended up with a trumpet instead. When seven-year-old Bas Duister signed up for music school, the teacher insisted he start with a smaller instrument. Stomping his feet, he agreed. Twenty years later, he’s still playing the trumpet.
Bas describes his style as a blend of “playing with colors, seeking challenges in contrasts, and a good dose of spontaneity.” This is precisely why he enjoys playing with the Nederlands Blazers Ensemble so much—there are plenty of colors to discover. “Playing without a conductor makes you much more aware of the musical lines. Rest bars aren’t for relaxation; you’re constantly engaged with the unfolding story and the next entrance. This way, you can put much more energy into the music you’re playing.”
His sources of inspiration are Miles Davis, Wynton Marsalis, and Alison Balsom. But in truth, Bas is a “sponge.” He seeks out new information everywhere, eagerly absorbing all the useful rhythms he can find. “Not just from trumpet players, but also from dancers, choreographers, singers, and other instrumentalists.” Only when Bas laces up his running shoes does everything go quiet around him. “That’s when I can truly clear my mind.”