The Nederlands Blazers Ensemble and the puppeteers of the Duda Paiva Company presented a completely new performance of the St Matthew Passion in 2022. In 2023, the St Matthew Passion will return! In this abridged, interdisciplinary performance of Bach’s masterpiece, music, dance and puppetry are forged together into an adventurous theatrical performance unlike any other. Performed by a top cast, including international star soprano Claron McFadden. Young composer Arjan Linker (2000, former winner of the NBE composition competition) made the arrangements.

The arrangement fits into a tradition of contemporary translations by the NBE. Artistic director Bart Schneemann for instance already successfully ventured into ‘holy houses’ such as Mozart’s Requiem, Figaro and Don Giovanni, Haydn’s great oratorios and Mahler’s Lied von der Erde. For the ‘holy of holies’ the St Matthew Passion, the Nederlands Blazers Ensemble joins forces for the second time with puppet magician Duda Paiva, with whom it created the highly acclaimed performance The Fairy Queen in 2018.

when to see it

Dag van de Vrede (International Day of Peace)

In 1981, the United Nations declared September 21 as the International Day of Peace with the aim of creating a worldwide day of ceasefire and.

Read more 20-09-2024 t/m 21-04-2024

Het Paradijs (Paradise) – September Me festival

photo: Marleen Annema

This autumn, NBE and Bart Moeyaert will play Het Paradijs (Paradise) at the September Me music festival in Amersfoort. Every year September Me, the music.

Read more 28-09-2024 t/m 28-09-2024

American Roots

photo: Peter Lodder

The NBE delves deep into the heart of American music. Together with Native American singer Charly Lowry, a musical talent and descendant of the Tuscarora,.

Read more 02-10-2024 t/m 13-10-2024

Compositiewedstrijd – Showcases

photo: Peter Lodder

Every year, the young composer’s competition On the way to the New Year’s Concert proves its strength. Composing is nothing more or less than coming.

Read more 17-10-2024 t/m 20-10-2024

De Zingende Strijkstok (The Singing Bow)

photo: Peter Lodder

De Zingende Strijkstok (The Singing Bow) is the sequel to the moving program Troubadours; the story of plucked string instruments from different corners of the.

Read more 01-11-2024 t/m 13-11-2024

jongNBE – Waldesruhe and a Requiem

photo: Foppe Schut

At the Cello Biennale, jongNBE will perform ‘Waldesruhe and a Requiem’ together with three young cellists from the prestigious Kronberg Academy. In the Requiem by.

Read more 10-11-2024 t/m 10-11-2024

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