Bregenz Festival: The Ring in 90 minutes

Greed, power, servitude, love, deceit, murder, betrayal, downfall – Richard Wagner’s Ring of the Nibelung brings all the passions and calamities of human life onto the stage. The Dutch theatre collective Hotel Modern transforms Wagner’s gigantic work into a fascinating piece of miniature theatre set in the world of insects. The story that spans four evenings in the original is here told compactly in 90 minutes, while Wagner’s colossal score is played by 21 instrumentalists of the Netherlands Wind Ensemble. In Wagner, the Nibelung Alberich can change shape using the “tarnhelm”, and many insects do that too in this version: the caterpillar metamorphosing into a butterfly, the nymph into a grasshopper. Whereas three Rhine Maidens guard the gold in Wagner, Hotel Modern have three jellyfish guarding an already forged ring.

All the marionettes, puppets and landscapes for the production have been created with great love of detail by Hotel Modern. These actors and backdrops will be filmed live and projected on a magnified scale during the performance. A highly unusual piece of music theatre.

when to see it

jongNBEnoord x Het Tuintheater – De Inspecteur

Het Tuintheater and jongNBEnoord are going to collaborate! This summer, jongNBE will perform in several shows of De Inspecteur (The Inspector), on August 31 in.

Read more 31-08-2024 t/m 07-09-2024


photo: Peter Lodder

Music as a means to express your feelings, to experiment with it in a safe environment, to listen to each other, to inspire one another,.

Read more 04-09-2024 t/m 04-09-2024

Dag van de Vrede (International Day of Peace)

In 1981, the United Nations declared September 21 as the International Day of Peace with the aim of creating a worldwide day of ceasefire and.

Read more 20-09-2024 t/m 21-04-2024

Het Paradijs (Paradise) – September Me festival

photo: Marleen Annema

This autumn, NBE and Bart Moeyaert will play Het Paradijs (Paradise) at the September Me music festival in Amersfoort. Every year September Me, the music.

Read more 28-09-2024 t/m 28-09-2024

American Roots

photo: Peter Lodder

The NBE delves deep into the heart of American music. Together with Native American singer Charly Lowry, a musical talent and descendant of the Tuscarora,.

Read more 02-10-2024 t/m 13-10-2024

Compositiewedstrijd – Showcases

photo: Peter Lodder

Every year, the young composer’s competition On the way to the New Year’s Concert proves its strength. Composing is nothing more or less than coming.

Read more 17-10-2024 t/m 20-10-2024

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