Turning East

photo:Hamidreza Shirmohammadi

Turning East: a brand-new, six-day festival in and by The Concertgebouw featuring music from the Middle East. The biggest stars from the Arabic, Kurdish and Persian world are coming to Amsterdam. From 20 – 25 November 2017, the entire Concertgebouw will focus on ‘exotic’ classical music, pop, jazz and combinations of those genres. All music will come from the enormous area covering everything from Morocco to Iran. And beyond.


The Caravan programme brings worlds together. East and West, classical, jazz and folk music. The Syrian oud virtuoso Jawa Manla, violin phenomenon Emmy Storms, percussion wizard Jeroen Batterink, pianist and composer Julian Schneemann and his father, oboe player Bart, embark on a journey together. Caravan is a plea for the power of diversity.

Bach meets Sufism: an intimate embrace

Just as Sufism appeals to unity and harmony and connects Eastern and Western ideas, this programme joins traditional Iranian music with our own Johann Sebastian Bach. Bart Schneemann is surrounded by his NBE and theorbo virtuoso David Mackor. Along with singer Haleh Seyfizadeh and tar player Ali Ghamsari, two young Iranian talents, they play and sing an Oriental Bach in an intimate embrace with classical, old and rich Persian music.

when to see it
  • Tue 21 Nov 2017 Amsterdam Het Concertgebouw Tickets
  • Sat 25 Nov 2017 Amsterdam Het Concertgebouw Sold out

Genesis (De Schepping) Festival Stroom

photo: Peter Lodder

“In the beginning there was nothing.  It is difficult to imagine that.  Everything that’s here now you must not allow to be here yet.  You.

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jongNBEnoord x Het Tuintheater – De Inspecteur

Het Tuintheater and jongNBEnoord are going to collaborate! This summer, jongNBE will perform in several shows of De Inspecteur (The Inspector), on August 31 in.

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Dag van de Vrede (International Day of Peace)

In 1981, the United Nations declared September 21 as the International Day of Peace with the aim of creating a worldwide day of ceasefire and.

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Het Paradijs (Paradise) – September Me festival

photo: Marleen Annema

This autumn, NBE and Bart Moeyaert will play Het Paradijs (Paradise) at the September Me music festival in Amersfoort. Every year September Me, the music.

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American Roots

photo: Peter Lodder

The NBE delves deep into the heart of American music. Together with Native American singer Charly Lowry, a musical talent and descendant of the Tuscarora,.

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Compositiewedstrijd – Showcases

photo: Peter Lodder

Every year, the young composer’s competition On the way to the New Year’s Concert proves its strength. Composing is nothing more or less than coming.

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