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American Roots

Sun 06 October 2024 Groningen SPOT / De Oosterpoort Tickets

photo: Peter Lodder

The NBE delves deep into the heart of American music. Together with Native American singer Charly Lowry, a musical talent and descendant of the Tuscarora,.

Read more 02-10-2024 t/m 13-10-2024

Compositiewedstrijd – Showcases

Sat 19 October 2024 Groningen

photo: Peter Lodder

Every year,the young composer’s competition On the way to the New Year’s Concert proves its strength. Composing is nothing more or less than coming up.

Read more 17-10-2024 t/m 20-10-2024

De 9e (The 9th)

Tue 13 May 2025 Groningen SPOT / De Oosterpoort Tickets

photo: Melle Meivogel

The ultimate symphony of peace and freedom: Beethoven’s Ninth. Beethoven was a rebel & rockstar of his time: artistically independent, he pushed the boundaries of.

Read more 08-05-2025 t/m 22-05-2025